Monday, November 15, 2010

British FAILS on Crossing the Delaware River

1) On Christmas night in 1776 Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River in the snow and ice and attacked Trenton.

2) The British were accustomed to gentlemen's warfare so they did not see this attack coming.  FAIL!  

3) In result the surprise attack was successful and Washington captured more than 900 Hessians.  Not a single American was killed! 

4) The British had a major FAIL because they never would have expected the Americans to attack during the night because they were used to gentlemen's warfare, not guerrilla warfare, which is what the Americans used.

British FAILS on War at Sea

1) By 1777, Britain had about 100 warships off the American coast.  This allowed Britain to control the Atlantic trade routes.  In doing this they created a complete monopoly for themselves.

2)  Britain's #1 FAIL was that they didn't realize that American privateers could attack the merchant ships.  

3)After capturing a British merchant ship, the crew of a privateer sold its cargo and shared the money.  

4) As a result, a desire for profit as well as patriotism motivated privateers.  The states and Congress commissioned more than 1,000 privateers to prey on the British.  

5) In the end British merchants had to call for the war to end, in result of ships being captured, and disrupted trade.  FAIL!

By Caroline Cunningham

British Fails on Bunker Hill

The British had many fails on Bunker Hill. The biggest one  was that the British didn't plan well enough because they could have  dominated the colonists if they had came from behind them.  Another Big Fail was that the British did not pursue.  They just kept coming up the hill and didn't care how many of their men were dying.  The colonist killed hundreds of British soldiers because of this mistake.  The colonists eventually retreated, meaning the British won the battle.  However, the loss of the British was greater than the Americans.

By Jake Neill

FAIL #1 at the Battle of Yortown

Cornwallis chose his base at Yorktown, located on a peninsula in the Chesapeake Bay, believing that it was the perfect location.  However, Washington saw this as a perfect opportunity.  Cornwallis had not thought about the fact that ships could block the Chesapeake Bay preventing him and his army from escaping.  FAIL!  Washington, however, did think of this and ended up blocking Cornwallis, leaving him with no escape.  FAIL!

By Caroline Cunningham

#1 British FAIL

Though the British had the most powerful and strongest army in the world they still failed. They got defeated by a tiny army with great reasoning and endurance. The British also had other enemies like the French. In the war against the Americans the French aided them, and helped defeat Britian in the end. The Americans didn't seem as strong as the British, but they still won the war in the end.

By: Carley Gaines

British FAILS on the Serapis

The British Navy had huge fails at sea. They completely outnumbered the Continental navy. John Paul Jones, his ship, and four other rebel vessels. John Paul  Jones' ship, the Bonhomme Richard, rammed a much larger British ship, The Serapis. The Brits were too confident, and asked the patriots to surrender. Jones replied with "I have not yet begun to fight!"  Fighting pursued and both ships took heavy fire.  After a three and a half hour fight, the Serapis' mast cracked and fell. The British captain surrendered. The Bonhomme Richard sank, so the patriots sailed away in the Serapis. This victory inspired Americans all over the colonies.

By Hudson Petersen

British FAILS on The Winter at Valley Forge

At the battle of Valley Forge the Americans recieved help from the French just in time. First off the soldiers lacked clothes, and only had blankets to cover them. The soldiers also had no shoes, the barefoot men left tracks of blood on the frozen ground as they marched.  Though all these problems were occuring, the British highly underestimated the Americans.  The British FAIL was that even though the Americans were not in good condition, they could still beat the British. The Americans were strong hearted and did not give up, even through the hard winter at Valley Forge.

By: Carley Gaines

Friday, November 12, 2010

British FAILS on Yorktown

Cornwallis set up his base at Yorktown. From there, his army could receive supplies from New York. Washington saw this as an opportunity. In August 1781, a French fleet blocked the Chesapeake Bay, preventing the British from receiving supplies and escaping. This also allowed Washington to come from the north and trap Cornwallis on the peninsula. The American and French troops, bombarded Yorktown. This is a FAIL because Cornwallis got himself into a position with no escape. On October 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrendered his force of about 8,000.
By: Carley Gaines

British FAILS on Saratoga

At the Battle of Saratoga, Benedict Arnold was fired at by hundreds of Hessian muskets. The Hessians retreated, but Arnold was shot in the leg. Without a leader, the Hessians should have been able to force the Continental Army back.  Burgoyne's Hessian  army was forced to retreat through the cold and rain. His soldiers were malnourished and exhausted. The Continental Army fired on the exhausted Hessian force without stop for many days. Burgoyne was then forced to surrender. This Patriot victory later led to the French becoming allies with the Continental Army.

By Hudson Peterson